Another fun Twitch live radio performance for the Arvocalists, playing the characters of the anime procedural, Phoneix Wright. And Part II:
Another fun Twitch live radio performance for the Arvocalists, playing the characters of the anime procedural, Phoneix Wright. And Part II:
Apparently the “If Flight Attendants Were Honest” video has gone somewhat viral. HuffPo picked it up and made this GIF out of one of my segments: via GIPHY
A bunch of Buzzfeed regulars pop up in this one — including the lovely Stephanie Pressman.
A Buzzfeed sketch directed by Christopher Guerrero. I totally sucked in it.
Got to do my My Cousin Vinny omage in this playthrough of first person attorney, Phoenix Wright. And Part II:
As was noted in the comment stream — peacocks are male. So this is all completely normal: